Servicing Homeowners, Condos, HOA Communities, Golf Courses, and Municipalities and more!

Residential Iguana-Only Removal Service Starting at $75

Commercial Iguana-Only Service Starting at $100

All Wildlife Removal & Maintenance Service Starting at $200/monthly

Description of Services:

Upon agreement to terms and pricing, all clients (homeowners, property managers, HOA representatives, etc.) will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of day of service to confirm removal and maintenance services do not conflict with any other onsite activities scheduled.

Upon arrival notification signs (TRAPPERS ON SITE, AIRGUNS IN USE) will be placed on property and remain clearly visible while removal and maintenance service is in progress.

Got Iguanas will perform one complete property wide inspection each visit and will dispatch (shoot) and remove any and all invasive species (Iguanas, Bufo Toads, Agama, and Jesus Lizards) spotted during inspection.

Got Iguanas will blow off all hard surfaces and remove wildlife waste found in swimming pools, on pool decks, patios, walkways, cart paths, and tennis courts. Got Iguanas will also sanitize, scrub and rinse all effected areas. All observed burrows, nests and tunnels will be treated, plugged and back filled upon discovery.

Got Iguanas will place and bait all appropriate wildlife traps (year round) when and where necessary to remove all unwanted wildlife causing a nuisance on property (raccoons, possums, armadillos etc.) “Exterior Only”. Traps will be monitored 24/7 by cellular trail cameras and all trapped animals will be removed within 24 hours as per FWC guidelines.

Images of all iguanas and unwanted wildlife removed from property will be provided to all clients via email. Images will be from scope cams and other cameras depending on the removal method (i.e. shot with air rifle, live caught, trapped, or snared.) All iguanas and wildlife that can be retrieved will be removed from property in accordance with FWC guidelines.

Weekly services starting at $50.00 with annual signed agreement. Custom service programs also available. Repair services of damage caused to property by wildlife are also available at an additional cost. (No additional fees or costs will ever be incurred without prior client approval)